DOOM II Version 1.0.2 Update Version 1.0.2 is a maintenance and bug fix release for DOOM II / Macintosh, Version 1.0 (CD/ROM and Disk versions). A number of changes were made which increase performance on 68K-based Macintoshes, fix a number of graphic glitches, crashes, and change the function of a few keys and dialogs. Note that Version 1.0.1 was never released to the public and you should discontinue using that version as it contains several errors. BUG FIXES AND CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.2: 1. The "Preferred" memory setting was reduced to 5000K to facilitate low memory situations encountered on machines with only 8MB of installed RAM. IMPORTANT: If you have more than 8MB of installed, physical RAM (and RAM Doubler doesn't count), you should increase this setting (i.e., 12MB:8000K, 16MB:12000K, etc.). 2. The 68K blitter was optimized to increase performance, and the byte-flipping code was optimized. This can result in a slight speed increase. Note that you may not be able to note the difference. 3. The "F2" key was changed to be functionally equivalent to "Save As...", allowing the player to specify a saved game name. "F6" or Command-S are still "Save" (or QuickSave). You must have already loaded or saved a file to use save, otherwise DOOM II does not know where to save the game to and will prompt you (or tell you to save first). 4. WAD file names are no longer case sensitive in the "StandardGetFile" dialog. Press 'S' or 'M' when starting DOOM II to access the options dialogs. Click on the "Load WAD File..." button to select a WAD file. Option-click on that button to "unload" any WAD files you have selected (except the DOOM2.WAD file). 5. Selecting QuickLoad without having either saved a game, or loading a game, resulted in text being printed on top of the brick pattern border that was not correctly updated. This has been corrected. 6. Pressing the key while loading a game no longer results in corruption of the status screen text while in medium and high resolution modes. 7. Using the "change level" cheat code from within the automap caused the display to be garbled if in medium or high resolution modes. This has been corrected. 8. The stereo panning of sounds has been corrected (improved tremendously - as in, it works now). The volume/distance calculation of sounds has been corrected. Sounds were being played at the incorrect volume. NOTE: You will not hear stereo panning unless your Macintosh is stereo-capable. In the "Sound" Control Panel, if you can select "Stereo", then your Macintosh is stereo-capable. 9. The "Turbo" setting can now be modified from the "Movement..." dialog during game play. Additionally, the Turbo setting in the single and multiplayer options dialogs has been modified/improved. 10. "Always Strafe" keyboard option is now saved in the preferences file. 11. The "Type 11" System Error problem exhibited on PowerPC-based Macintosh computers has been minimized by compiling DOOM II with a newer compiler. The new compiler has allowed optimization for 604 PowerPC processors (does not degrade the performance on 601 and 603 processors). NOTE: PowerPC chip accelerators are known to cause "Type 11" System Errors. If you have a chip accelerator and experience a "Type 11" error, turn down the acceleration to minimize occurences. 12. Option-0 through Option-9 should be sending of Chat Macros. Fixed a problem in the single player version that used those keys for seleting weapons. 13. Made a change to the Options dialogs that makes it more clear that "Respawn" means "Respawn Monsters". 14. Added a check when allocating the lump table for WAD files to ensure that memory allocation was successful. 15. Added Command-G as a keyboard equivalent for the "Adjust Gamma" menu item to match the documentation. 16. Added additional error text in several messages that will assist users in determining the cause (need to allocate more memory to the application) when the problem is insufficient memory. 17. Adjusted the forward/backward and side to side mouse movement for more satisfying sensitivity, and more controllability. This value may be adjusted by the Mouse Control Panel and the "Mouse Sensitivity" setting in the DOOM Options (press , then select "Options" with arrow keys and press ). 18. Prevented players from saving a game during the "intermission" screen in order to avoid graphic glitch and prevent inconsistencies with the PC version when playing multiplayer games. 19. Fixed a bug involving sending a "save" messages to other players while in multiplyer mode. 20. When editing turbo value in the Movement dialog, reset the value to maximum (255) or minimum (0) when the player entered values that were out of range. 21. Fixed a graphic glitch while in the game finale. When the options menu is hidden, a brief flash of another background was visible for a second. This has been corrected. 22. Fixed a graphic glitch in several of the mid-game finales (text screens) that remapped some of the colors in the background to white. 23. Reprocessed all the game music files. Eliminated some of the MIDI tracks, combined others, re-instrumented after importing into QuickTime movies to account for a bug in QuickTime's import routines. 24. Fixed the game's finale so that it operated correctly. 25. Increased the number of "quit" messages that were sent in order to address a problem relating to saving/quitting when in a 4-player game. Lion Entertainment, Inc. September 4, 1995 DOOM II is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.